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CMTHS Attendance Procedures

If your child will be absent you may either:

                              Call 610-277-2301



Please be sure to provide the following information:

  • Student Full Name

  • Program

  • Date of Excuse

  • Reason for absence

CMTHS Attendance Policy

(from CMTHS Student Handbook Page 6)

Regular attendance in the building providing that the safety metrics measures are met according to Pennsylvania Department of Education, the Pennsylvania Department of Health, and the Montgomery County Department of Health guidelines is necessary for student success; therefore, we encourage students and their parents to work cooperatively to ensure regular attendance in the building and/or virtually.  Students are graded on attendance under the Work Ethic component of the CMTHS grading system. A daily work ethic grade of up to 10 points is assigned by the teacher. Work Ethic is based on the following:  attendance, discipline, completion of assignments, safety violations, and behavior. If a student is marked absent, an automated telephone call will be made to the student's parent/guardian, whether excused or not. 

As a result of school concern for student attendance, a formal letter will be sent to the parents/guardian on the 5th, 10th, and 20th occasion of a student’s absence. The purpose of this letter is to inquire about the cause of the student’s absences from school. In obvious instances, such as hospitalization, confined illness, and similar situations, this practice will be disregarded.


If a student has been absent from school for any reason, an absence note signed by the parent/guardian, sending school, doctor, or judicial court is to be emailed to by the third day of school following the absence. Submitting the absence note is the responsibility of the student. Irregular and excessive absences will be investigated and could lead to disciplinary action. Absences caused by school-sponsored activities, appointments initiated by the nurse, counselor or administrator, or illnesses or injuries confirmed by a doctor's note are considered excused. Attendance data (absences and tardies) are included in permanent records. Cases of excessive absences will be referred to the appropriate authorities by the student’s sending school.


All other absences not listed under excused absences are considered unexcused.


If a student arrives late to school, other than by a late school bus, the student must enter through the main office. Each time a student arrives late to CMTHS, an automated telephone call, email, or message will be sent notifying the student’s parent/guardian of their lateness to CMTHS. Excessive unexcused lateness and absences may result in the loss of Co-Operative Education and Internship privileges. Students who arrive at school after the majority of class time are considered absent. Parents are encouraged to make appointments before or after school.


Early dismissals from in-person learning are discouraged or limited to only essential or urgent situation.  Parents/Guardians are required to make appointments. An email to from the parent/guardian requesting an early dismissal with the student’s full name, parent/guardian’s phone number, and reason for early dismissal is required.  The early dismissal must be approved by administration 24 hours in advance of the dismissal time except for emergencies, and all parties must follow early dismissal protocols as stated in the email. A staff member will verify the email by calling the parent/guardian.
If someone other than a parent/guardian picks up the student, the person picking up the student must be listed as an emergency contact on the medical form and the person’s full name must be indicated in the email. The person picking up the student is required to provide a picture ID for scanning and must follow the guidelines below.

  • Individuals must follow all signs in the parking lot.

  • All visitors must use our electronic sign in and enter their ID into our screening system, if they must enter the building.

  • If there is an essential need to enter the building, there will be a mandatory prescreening and authorization of visitors required prior to entering the building.

  • Individuals will be directed to enter through the front office only.


CMTHS recognizes that many students are involved in civic activities. However, attendance at school is the first and foremost responsibility of the student. For that reason, early dismissal will not be granted to students who serve as firefighters, fire police, paramedics, or in similar capacities. Students will not be excused for reporting late to school or missing school for the entire day because of participating in such activities. We will make Exceptions for extreme emergencies will be made at the discretion of the administration.

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