Central Montco Technical High School
For the Arts, Sciences, and Technology
Health Services: School Nurse
School Nurse: Ms. Jenelle Gaines
A full time registered nurse is available for students and staff to assist with emergencies, first aide treatment, health problems, safety, environment control and counseling. The nurse works closely with the home school nurses to provide continuity of health teaching and care for CMTHS students.
The Student Medical Form is now in PowerSchool.
If you have not done so already, please complete the required student forms that are located within your PowerSchool account. If you need help accessing your PowerSchool account, please contact ithelp@cmths.org.
Instructions to access student forms through PowerSchool:
1. Click HERE to access CMTHS PowerSchool.
2. Log into your account, your username will be the email address you have on file from your student’s sending school. If you need a password reset, please click the ‘Forgot Username/Password’ button and fill out the required information to receive a password reset link. (Your parent username/parent email will both be your email address)
3. After logging into PowerSchool, click the ‘Forms’ button on the left side of the screen.
4. Click on the "Medical Information" form located under the ‘New & Returning Students’ section and complete the form.

Monthly Wellness
Nurse Gaines

Please notify CMTHS if your student has been exposed to COVID 19.
Student health and symptom checks must be done prior to leaving for school. If symptomatic, students must stay home and email attendance@cmths.org.
Symptoms include: Fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea.
CMTHS New Masking Guidelines
Effective Thursday, March 3, masks will be optional for students, staff, and guests while indoors at CMTHS.
This change is being made based on the updated recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The CDC released new masking guidelines on Friday, 2/25/2022 which state that communities may alter masking requirements based on three new tiers for defining COVID transmission - high, medium, and low. A community’s level is determined by the number of hospital admissions, the strain on healthcare systems, and the number of cases in that area. Currently, Montgomery County is in the medium category.
The CDC recommends that people who live in areas of medium transmission should stay current with vaccines, get tested if symptomatic and if at risk for severe illness, speak to your physician for masking guidance.
Those who have symptoms, test positive, or are exposed to someone with COVID should wear a mask. Masks also must be worn in the nurse’s office. Disposable masks will be available if needed. According to the guidelines, individuals who test positive for COVID-19 will continue to quarantine.
Please be prepared to talk with your child about respecting family/student/staff choices related to masking.
Sincerely, Dr. Angela King, Executive Director
Please click here for the CMTHS Health and Safety Plan.
Click here for the Montgomery County Office of Public Health COVID 19 School Isolation & Quarantine Guide