Central Montco Technical High School
For the Arts, Sciences, and Technology
Special Education
Special Education Staff
Special Education Coordinator: Ms. Michele Ruhl mruhl@cmths.org
Special Education Liaison: Ms. Lisa Baranek lbaranek@cmths.org
Special Education Liaison: Mr. Robert Kindon rkindon@cmths.org
Our Special Education team at CMTHS provides students with identified disabilities specialized instruction designed to meet their unique learning needs, giving them the opportunity to develop to their fullest potential.

What is Special Education?
Individual Education Plans (IEPs)
Special education refers to educational programming and practice that provides a range of supports and services to meet the unique needs of students with identified disabilities.
Students attending CMTHS are evaluated for special education by their home school districts or Local Education Agency (LEA). Students who qualify for special education are provided an Individual Education Plan (IEP) that outlines specially designed instruction (SDI) which adapts the content, methodology and/or delivery of instruction allowing access to the general education curriculum.
504 Plans:
For students who do not qualify for special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) may qualify for services under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act if the disability substantially limits educational performance.
For further information please refer to this link: http://www.ldonline.org/article/6086
Supports and Services Provided by CMTHS Staff Include:
1. Implementation of SDIs as outlined in a student’s IEP
2. Reinforcement of Career and Tech Ed program content and skills development
3. Adaptation or modification of instructional resources, techniques, or materials
4. Support with reading, writing, and math skills
5. Assistance with improving study skills and habits
6. Developing improved organization and time management
7. Career exploration and guidance
8. Positive behavioral and social-emotional supports
Transition to Career Program (TCP):
TCP is a full-day CMTHS Program for Special Education students who have the potential to independently acquire and maintain a full-time job. Students will explore career & technical programs at CMTHS to determine the best aptitude and interest in a career program. Students will attend a half day in one of our career programs to learn hands-on skills. The second half of the day is in the Transition to Career program classroom and with community employers to develop authentic job readiness skills through real and simulated work settings including, but not limited to social thinking skills in the workplace, work habits, appropriate communication skills, and work challenges.
Links to Special Education Notices and Guides:
Annual Public Notice of Special Education Services and Programs
PA Parent Guide to Special Education
Special Education Resources

Local and State Resources
Montgomery County Intermediate Unit (MCIU)
PA Department of Education (PDE)
PA Education Advocacy Network (Legislative Policy)
PA Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN)
Peal Center (Advocacy)
Special Education in PA Consult Line
Learning Resources
Sending School Special Education Links
Norristown Area School District Special Education
Colonial School District Special Education
Upper Merion Area School District Special Education
Lower Merion Area School District Special Education
Post-Secondary Transition Resources
Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR)
Resources for Job Seekers with Disabilities
Family & Community Resources:
Click HERE for a list of resources for employment, food and clothing, housing and utilities, and social service.
OpenDyslexic: A Typeface for Dyslexia
OpenDyslexic is a typeface designed against some common symptoms of dyslexia.
OpenDyslexic is free to use: The newest version of OpenDyslexic now uses the SIL-OFL license, giving you freedom to use it for personal use, business use, education, commercial, books, ebook readers, applications, websites, and any other project or purpose you need.